GA Tours's Fleet Tracker For SAAB 340 (VH-ORX)

Aircraft General Info

Aircraft Image: No Aircraft Image Yet!
Name: SAAB 340
Fullname: SAAB 340
Registration: VH-ORX
Range: 805
Weight: 17215
Cruise: 260 kts
Passengers: 34
Cargo: 3310

Aircraft Stats

Total Miles: 0
Total Hours: 0
Total Flights: 0
Total Cargo Carried: 0

Current Aircraft Location

There is no aircraft location yet!

Latest 15 Flights List

No Flights Flown with this aircraft!

Latest 15 Flights Map

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/susiairv/public_html/gatours/core/templates/vFleetTrack/view.tpl on line 125

Maps generated by the Great Circle Mapper - copyright © Karl L. Swartz

Available Flights

No Flights Scheduled with this aircraft!